Camper's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Child's Age
Child's Birthdate
Guardian 1 Full Name
Parent 1 or Guardian 1 Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Child:
Guardian 1 Home Phone
Guardian 1 Cell Phone
Guardian 1 Home Address
You must enter your address even if it is the same as your child's permanent address.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Guardian 1 Work Address
if you work from home please state that. If you do not work, please answer with N/A
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Guardian 1 Work Phone
I would like to enroll in text alerts for emergency purposes
If you choose yes, standard text messaging rates may apply.
Cell Phone Carrier
Guardian 2 Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Guardian 2 Relationship To Child
Guardian 2 Home Phone
Guardian 2 Cell Phone
Guardian 2 Home Address
If the address is the same as Guardian 1, please write Same as Guardian 1.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Guardian 2 Personal Email
Guardian 2 Employee Address
If you do not work please write N/A
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Guardian 2 Employee Phone
Guardian 2 Work Hours
I would like to enroll in text alerts for emergency purposes.
If you are a single-parent household please select no for this option.
If Yes, please list your cell phone carrier
Emergency Contact 1
Please list the full name of the emergency contact
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Child
Home Phone
This is for emergency contact 1
Cell Phone
This is for emergency contact 1
Address for Emergency Contact 1
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Emergency Contact 2
This must be a different person than emergency contact 1. This is required by law and for the safety of your child.
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to child
Home Phone
This is for emergency contact 2
Cell Phone
This is for emergency contact 2
Address for Emergency Contact 2
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Emergency Contact 3
Please provide the full name for emergency contact 3. this must be someone different than emergency contact 1 or 2.
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to child
Home Phone
This is for emergency contact 3
Cell Phone
This is for emergency contact 3
Address for Emergency Contact 3
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Illness: I understand that I will be notified should my child become ill during the day and that I will pick up my child promptly or make arrangements for an authorized emergency contact person to pick up within one hour of such notification. If my child is exposed or contracts a communicable disease, I agree to notify the camp and I understand that my child will be re-admitted according to the re-admission criteria in the family handbook.
I Agree
Communicable Disease: I agree to inform the camp within 24 hours or the next business day after my child or any member of the immediate household has developed a reportable communicable disease, as defined by the State Board of Health, except for life threatening diseases, which must be reported immediately.
I Agree
Communicable Illness Waiver: I hereby acknowledge the health risks associated with the transmission of all communicable disease (including the COVID-19 virus) and recognize that exposure to the COVID-19 virus, or other communicable diseases, could occur while my child is in the care of Little Ambassadors’ Academy, Inc (d/b/a Ambassadors Adventure Camp).
I Agree
Emergency Medical Care I understand if there is an objection to seeking emergency medical care, a statement should be obtained from me stating the objection and the reason for the objection.
I Agree
Medical Emergencies: I understand that Little Ambassadors' Academy, Inc (d/b/a Ambassadors Adventure Camp) will not be responsible for bills resulting from necessary care for students in emergencies. It is important that parents be aware of their responsibilities for any charges incurred.
I Agree
I have received a copy of the Ambassadors Adventure Camp (AAC) Handbook. I understand and will comply with the policies included in the AAC Handbook.
I agree
Electronic Signature
By typing your name below you are electronically signing and agreeing to this document.
First Name
Last Name
Birth Certificate Status
I have uploaded a copy of my child's birth certificate above
I prefer to submit a copy of my child's birth certificate in-person
Parent/Guardian ID Status
I have uploaded one gov't issued ID above
I prefer to submit my ID in-person